Friday, November 14, 2008


Wajip wanita muslimah memakai niqab اatau purdah adalah pendapat sebahagian para ulama. Sementara jumhur (majoriti) ulama berpendapat muka wanita tidak termasuk di dalam auratnya. Wanita yang memakai purdah berpegang dengan pendapat golongan ulama yang mewajibkannya. [Full Article]

To sisters who are wearing niqab, are you happy wearing it ?

About Me

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I wear a veil (niqab) whenever the situation permitted me to do so. I will only take off my niqab when I really have no choice. There are many controversy regarding wearing niqab in public places. I created this blog to collect niqab related stories, experience, photos...etc. I wanted to know more how other Muslim women who are wearing niqab adapt to today's world, especially those sisters in Western countries. Sometimes, I will quote a few sentences from or take a photo from website or blog that I find interesting. If you find your site contents in this blog and felt offended, please kindly drop me an email, I will remove it from my blog immediately.